Progress is slowly being made on the sheathing of the timberframe cabin. We hope to be the group of interns to snag the "completing cabin 3" distinction. Interior and exterior siding and a set of stairs to replace the ramp are the main requirements, but given the site's tricky topography, the project might prove somewhat more time-consuming than...
Looking to ward off the chilling effects of weeks of diluvian Vermont rains, Orion takes a break from the Ark design/build project (tailored to accomodate a crew of 7 interns and one kitten) and warms up his audience with some fire-dancing action, drawing out dragons with his cotton-kevlar wicks.When not planning biblical escapes on the Mad River...
The new intern crew of seven minus one carried the friday beer-thirty rituals into the night by splurging for pizza at American Flatbread...... down to the very last crumb
On April 28 we took the staff and interns on a field trip day to visit Shelburne Farms and the Intervale. At SF we took a tour of the Beeken Parsons woodworking shop, and toured the grounds (pictured at right in front of the Inn at Shelburne Farms in the gardens), saw the beautiful barns, and had a picnic. Then we headed to the Intervale in...
More than 100 members of the Mad River Valley business community converged on Yestermorrow last Thursday for a Chamber of Commerce Mixer. Here's part of the Yestermorrow crew mixing it up with the crowd.