Looking to ward off the chilling effects of weeks of diluvian Vermont rains, Orion takes a break from the Ark design/build project (tailored to accomodate a crew of 7 interns and one kitten) and warms up his audience with some fire-dancing action, drawing out dragons with his cotton-kevlar wicks.
When not planning biblical escapes on the Mad River, the interns also find time to do some work, once in a while... when they aren't in class, that is.
Instructors Andy and Eyrich kicked ass as they stayed up later then their students to work through our knotty design problems...
And popcorn from Bisbee's provided nutritious sustenance throughout the week.
With new Yester-skills under their toolbelts, they were ready to demolish the strawbale cube (lovingly built by the strawbale class in the Quonset hut) when the sun came out last week...