December 2016
A Reflection on the Last Day of the 2016 Semester in Sustainable Design Build

As the last day dawned on the 2016 Design Build Semester program, we prepared to show to the world the culmination of our efforts. It has been a long time since we were eight strangers canoeing around Kettle Pond and annoying Jacob with word games, but in that time we have grown together not only as a team but as individuals.
Myths and Magic Surrounding the PreFab Boom

Though currently the darling of residential design & construction media, prefab is much more than a passing fashion. Prefab is here to stay. Doubt it? Just consider today’s door or window products. Only a generation ago these items were hand-built on site. And similar transformations have taken place with kitchen cabinets, fireplaces, flooring, tile, shower bases, stairs (circular and conventional), roof hatches, chimneys…..these site fabricated building parts are now mostly made in factories. We even have custom pre-cast foundations delivered to the site (Superior Wall Inc.).
How this creativity course uncovered the visual artist in me

Yestermorrow and Conway: A three dimensional education

Helmi Hunin ’16 is one of several Conway alums who have taken advantage of a partnership between Conway and the Yestermorrow Design/Build School in Waitsfield, VT, that includes a Conway scholarship for Yestermorrow graduates, and discounts on Yestermorrow courses for Conway alums. Here, she shares some reflections on attending both institutions. All photos, including the image from Yestermorrow above, are credited Helmi Hunin and should not be reused without permission of the author. This guest blogpost was originally featured on December 1, 2016 on the Conway School's blog.