The Waitsfield 10ModelsThe Waitsfield 10Trip to Britton's
Week 4
Alex and Zeb
Starting week 4 we all began presenting our final drawn interior space floor plans. After a productive morning of crucial feedback and thinking from the group, we were all ready to begin modeling! Based on every person’s design we were put in groups that had similar...
Plotting topo pointsPlotting topo pointsSite ModelSections and Site Map with Topography Lines
Week 3: Eileen and Owen
We started to explore topography looking at how terrain changes over distance and how that defines a space. Sean (the client) had removed dirt and built it up around the foundation to create a more level grade. Our main goal on Friday was to plot out this new built-up earth on a topographical map...
Robby and Jesse on siteArtifact DrawingOrthographic ProjectionsStudent ModelSean and Jesse on Site
Alice and Tessa
Yestermorrow Design/Build Semester
3 September 2021
Week 2
Pawing, at our sense of the sight.
Topography lines we must draw right.
To Vershire we head, this Friday last
Looking at houses, a blast from...