Hi all, welcome to our second blog post for the Yestermorrow Semester Program of Fall 2020! Although this year has brought many new challenges in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, those involved in the Semester Program this Fall are both excited and thankful for our unique and safe situation at Yestermorrow, where we have an in-person learning environment that is safe, intimate, and consists of a small group of staff and students. We jumped right in these past two weeks and have already made significant progress on multiple projects, showcased below.
Who’s in our program?
~The Humans~
Graham - the dancer, music master, watercolor extraordinaire
Jess - teacher, lover of overalls, and mapping fanatic
Callie - 3D design icon, hella skilled with a pencil, and corn-spaceship designer
Robbie - mushroom hunter, motorcycle rider, car crasher, and incognito drafting master
Aidan - hacky sacker, goatee toter, and guitar player
Tryg - biker, boat mask wearer, paddle crafter, and always down for a run
Ella - SketchUp goddess, tiny house designer, and all around style icon
Annalisa - tree house lover, design thinking enthusiast, and engineer
Heather - wild story teller, piercing connoisseur, and previous Olympic lifter
Morgan - earring lover, tea drinker, and early morning swimmer
Norberto - adorable dog owner, building expert, and car battery currently dead
Quinn - teal shirt wearer, excellent swagger overall, and weaving master
Eva - best TA ever, wearer of awesome earrings, and coast-to-coast traveler
Anastasia - architecture queen, mountain master, and puppy lover
Jacob - home renovator, puppy trainer, toaster driver, and b a l d
~The Dogs~
Nola - runner, a loving dog, also definitely has wolf roots
Mocha - lover of butt rubs, all around sweetheart, disproportionate legs
Pepita - hole digger, excrement eater, and leash tangler
Last week we were off campus as many workshops finished up on campus. We moved into our semester studio with individual desks! Everyone is setting up camp and making the space work for them! One of the other courses on campus is making cubbies for us too, which is super exciting. After this week, we will be the only ones on campus
Last weekend many of us went to Burlington for a COVID-test/exploration trip. We all came back with negative tests results! Whooooop whoop! We’ve worked especially hard to be safe with everything pandemic-related –– we are all happy that our unique learning situation allows us to learn in-person this year. Thank you Yestermorrow! Early this week we finished our assignment “making containers for food”. With plan views, cross sections, elevation sketches, and 3D models, we abstracted containers from the complex shapes of food objects we were given last week. You’d be amazed at how hard it is to draft a banana flower.
This week we continued designing a chicken coop for our first client. Through collaboration, we decided on a final design. The beginning stages of the build have begun! Through the building process, we have begun learning how to use tools, including power tools such as circular saws! The coop should be completed in the coming weeks.
Late last week we met with our semester project client. This week we researched site conditions and started solidifying a site location. Our clients are wonderful and we are so excited to work with them. We will be building two spaces -- a workshop and a tiny house studio space. We finished the week by listening to the 3 week Certificate in Residential Design course that finished up this week. It was great to listen to professional presentations, discussion, and critique session.
Blog Post By: Morgan Donovan Jones & Graham Denison